How Dare We! Write: a multicultural creative writing discourse (Modern History Press, May 2017). Sherry Quan Lee, editor.
Poet and editor Sherry Quan Lee challenged 24 multicultural writers to respond to the question, “How dare we write?” The resulting personal narratives and examinations of craft reveal how and why we write, uncovering the challenges—linked to culture, race, class, religion, gender and/or sexuality; and the intersections among these factors—presented to us by the very structures and institutions of U.S. society, which create the always pressurized and often toxic environment in which we write. Mainstream teachers and publishers may not recognize or understand these narratives, their forms and voices, as valid or worthy, but they must work to do so in order to provide multicultural writers with constructive feedback and a path toward publication. This book will centrally be of use to writers who experience the same kinds of challenges, but also to those teachers and publishers opening up their work to diverse communities of writers and readers.
Each narrative in How Dare We! Write (ISBN 978-1-61599-330-7) includes a creative writing exercise, which may be used as a personal or group writing prompt, or the framework for college, high school, or community writing workshops.
Cherise A. Pollard, PhD, Professor of English at West Chester University extols: “How Dare We! Write offers a much needed corrective to creative writing pedagogy. The collection asks us to consider the following questions: what does it mean for an indigenous, or black, or Latinx, or Asian, or Middle Eastern, or LGBTQIA+ (or a combination of these identities) American to become a writer? …What does it mean to work through resistance from supposed mentors, to face rejection from publishers and classmates, to stand against traditions that silence you, to stand in your truth about your identity so that you can claim, fearlessly, your history, your trauma, your joy…”
Contributors include: Gabriella Anais Deal-Marquez, Marcie Rendon, Marlina Gonzalez, Michael Kleber-Diggs, Lori Young-Williams, Jessica Lopez Lyman, Luis M Lopez, Sagirah Shahid, Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay, Tou SaiKo Lee, Anya Achtenberg, Ginny Allery, Wesley Brown, Kandace Creel Falcón, Olive Lefferson, Christine Stark, Isela Gomez, Bell Brown, Brenda, William S. Yellow Robe, Jr, Ching-In Chen, Sweta Vikram, Hei Kyong Kim, Sherrie Fernandez-Williams, and Taiyon Coleman.
Sherry Quan Lee is a writer, teacher, literary editor, and mentor. Love Imagined: a mixed race memoir was a 2015 Minnesota Book Award Finalist. She has also authored two books of poetry: Chinese Blackbird, and How to Write a Suicide Note: serial essays that saved a woman’s life.
For more information, contact:
Victor Volkman, Publisher
Modern History Press,
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