WOC Writers Write!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012.  Women of Color Writers gathered to socialize and WRITE!

The group, led by Lori Young-Williams, as part of her Masters in Liberal Studies Program (I was her advisor for this particular class) has met irregularly to catch up on the amazing things these amazing women are doing AND to write!

Lori randomly picked writing exercises from Natalie Goldberg’s book, Old Friend from Far Away: How to Write Memoir  One was about love.  This is as far as I got in the allotted ten minutes:

Cold pizza for breakfast. Sausage, pepperoni, Canadian Bacon, green olives and black olives.  I am here eating breakfast.  Scrounging for coffee in this non-coffee drinking home.  Here I am, 14 years after the divorce.  Not remembering, yet knowing there was a time, an expectation, a sensitivity.  What is it to be 64 and being nothing but memory-select memory of another time.  What was so eventful, so uneventful that kept me running?  Where did I run, to whom did I run?  Love is still imagined.  There is no knowing love, not in this lifetime.  I will return, though I’d rather not.  Next time, or the next I might know love, might not run from it, might embrace it, might know it for what it is, is not, I might accept it.  Now I eat cold pizza,alone; my ex-husband I and were too full of ourselves to eat it while it was hot, the night before-although it took me fifteen minutes to choose five ingredients, five toppings that would fulfill both of us.

July 11, 2012

Sherry Quan Lee



About Sherry

Author. Poet. Teacher. Mentor. Chinese/Blackbird.

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